Philips component datasheet Manuals
PHILIPS 74ALVT16373 Electronic component
The 74ALVT16373 is a high-performance BiCMOS product designed for VCC operation at 2.5V or 3.3V with I/O compatibility up to 5V. This device is a 16-bit transparent D-type latch with non-inverting 3-State bus compatible outputs. The device can be used as two 8-bit latches or one 16-bit latch. When latch enable (LE) input is High, the Q outputs follow the data (D) inputs. When latch enable is taken Low, the Q outputs are latched at the levels of the D inputs one setup time prior to the Hi
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PHILIPS 74ALVCH16823 Electronic component
The 74ALVCH16823 is a 18-bit edge-triggered flip-flop featuring separate D-type inputs for each flip-flop and 3-state outputs for bus oriented applications. Incorporates bushold data inputs which eliminate the need for external pull-up resistors to hold unused inputs. The74ALVCH16823 consists of two sections of nine edge-triggered flip-flops. A clock (CP) input, an output-enable (OE) input, a Master reset (MR) input and a clock-enable( CE) input are provided for each total 9-bit section.
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PHILIPS 74ALVT162245 Electronic component
The 74ALVT162245 is a high-performance BiCMOS product designed for VCC operation at 2.5V or 3.3V with I/O compatibility up to 5V. This device is a 16-bit transceiver featuring non-inverting 3-State bus compatible outputs in both send and receive directions. The control function implementation minimizes external timing requirements. The device features an Output Enable (nOE) input for easy cascading and a Direction (DIR) input for direction control. The 74ALVT162245 is designed with 30W s
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PHILIPS 74ALVCH16821 Electronic component
The 74ALVCH16821 has two 10-bit, edge triggered registers, with each register coupled to a 3-State output buffer. The two sections of each register are controlled independently by the clock (nCP) and Output Enable (nOE) control gates.
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PHILIPS 74ALVT162821 Electronic component
The 74ALVT162821 high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed and high output drive. It is designed for VCC operation at 2.5V or 3.3V with I/O compatibility to 5V. The 74ALVT162821 has two 10-bit, edge triggered registers, with each register coupled to a 3-State output buffer. The two sections of each register are controlled independently by the clock (nCP) and Output Enable (nOE) control gates.
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PHILIPS 74ALVCH16841 Electronic component
The 74ALVCH16841 has two 10-bit D-type latch featuring separate D-type inputs for each latch and 3-State outputs for bus oriented applications. The two sections of each register are controlled independently by the latch enable (nLE) and output enable (nOE) control gates.
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PHILIPS 74ABT16373B Electronic component
The 74ABT16373B high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed and high output drive. The 74ABT16373B device is a dual octal transparent latch coupled to two sets of eight 3-State output buffers. The two sections of the device are controlled independently by Enable (nE) and Output Enable (nOE) control gates.
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PHILIPS 74ABT_H162245A Electronic component
The 74ABT162245A high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed. The 74ABT162245A device is a 16-bit transceiver featuring non-inverting 3-State bus compatible outputs in both send and receive directions. The control function implementation minimizes external timing requirements. The device features two Output Enable (1OE, 2OE) inputs for easy cascading and two Direction (1DIR, 2DIR) inputs for direction control.
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PHILIPS 74ABT16374B Electronic component
The 74ABT16374B high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed and high output drive. The 74ABT16374B has two 8-bit, edge triggered registers, with each register coupled to eight 3-State output buffers. The two sections of each register are controlled independently by the clock (nCP) and Output Enable (nOE) control gates.
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PHILIPS 74ALVC16834A Electronic component
The 74ALVC16834A is an 18-bit registered driver. Data flow is controlled by active low output enable (OE), active low latch enable (LE) and clock inputs (CP). When LE is LOW, the A to Y data flow is transparent. When LE is HIGH and CP is held at LOW or HIGH, the data is latched; on the LOW to HIGH transient of CP the A-data is stored in the latch/flip-flop.
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PHILIPS 74ALVC16836A Electronic component
The 74ALVC16836A is a 20-bit universal bus driver. Data flow is controlled by active low output enable (OE), active low latch enable (LE) and clock inputs (CP).
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PHILIPS 74ABT_H16827A Electronic component
The 74ABT16827A high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed and high output drive. The 74ABT16827A 20-bit buffers provide high performance bus interface buffering for wide data/address paths or buses carrying parity. They have NOR Output Enables (nOE1, nOE2) for maximum control flexibility
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PHILIPS 74ALVC162834A Electronic component
The 74ALVC162834A is an 18-bit registered driver. Data flow is controlled by active low output enable (OE), active low latch enable (LE) and clock inputs (CP). When LE is LOW, the A to Y data flow is transparent. When LE is HIGH and CP is held at LOW or HIGH, the data is latched; on the LOW to HIGH transient of CP the A-data is stored in the latch/flip-flop. The 74ALVC162834A is designed with 30 _series resistors in both HIGH or LOW output stages.
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PHILIPS 74ABT16823A Electronic component
The 74ABT16823A 18-bit bus interface register is designed to eliminate the extra packages required to buffer existing registers and provide extra data width for wider data/address paths of buses carrying parity. The 74ABT16823A has two 9-bit wide buffered registers with Clock Enable (nCE) and Master Reset (nMR) which are ideal for parity bus interfacing in high microprogrammed systems.
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PHILIPS 74ABT245 Electronic component
The 74ABT245 high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed and high output drive. The 74ABT245 device is an octal transceiver featuring non-inverting 3-State bus compatible outputs in both send and receive directions. The control function implementation minimizes external timing requirements. The device features an Output Enable (OE) input for easy cascading and a Direction (DIR) input for direction control.
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PHILIPS 74ABT240 Electronic component
The 74ABT240 high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed and high output drive. The 74ABT240 device is an octal inverting buffer that is ideal for driving bus lines. The device features two Output Enables (1OE, 2OE), each controlling four of the 3-State outputs.
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PHILIPS 74ALVC162836A Electronic component
The 74ALVC162836A is an 20-bit universal bus driver. Data flow is controlled by output enable (OE), latch enable (LE) and clock inputs (CP). When LE is HIGH, the A to Y data flow is transparent. When LE is HIGH and CP is held at LOW or HIGH, the data is latched; on the LOW to HIGH transient of CP the A-data is stored in the latch/flip-flop. The 74ALVC162836A is designed with 30 _series resistors in both HIGH or LOW output stages.
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PHILIPS 74ABT2244 Electronic component
The 74ABT2244 high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed. The 74ABT2244 device is an octal buffer that is ideal for driving bus lines. The device features two Output Enables (1OE, 2OE), each controlling four of the 3-State outputs. The 74ABT2244 is designed with 30W series resistance in both the High and Low states of the output. This design reduces line noise in applications such as memory address drivers, clock drivers and bus recei
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